About JDS
JDS was founded almost 30 years ago with the intent to provide racers with premium products at competitive prices. For the last 18 years, under the ownership of Joe Cardoza, JDS continued to build upon their reputation. Joe expanded the line to include an array of chassis and products that represented his love for Nostalgia Drag Racing, a passion that drives him to this day.
In January 2023 the company was purchased by Justin Zimmerman, a racer, shop teacher and auto restorer in Merced California.
“Justin is the ideal person to take the reins of JDS,” Cardoza said. “He has all the tools necessary to carry on the JDS name. I have great faith in what Justin can do with the company, for himself, his family and most importantly the hobby. I love the hobby and it was important the JDS went to a person who shares my passion and vision of what JDS has become and what JDS can be.”
Zimmerman and his team began planning well in advance of their purchase of JDS.
“In our eyes it was vital we hit the ground running,” Zimmerman said. “We been working with our vendors, building inventory and addressing lead times. During past two years Joe updated the entire line of JDS wheels as well as introduced several fantastic new designs.
“Coming off COVID the popularity of Slot Car Drag Racing grew at a rate not seen snice the 90s’. The updated and new wheels were an immediate hit and Joe had entire production runs sell out within hours,” Zimmerman continued.
JDS chassis have always been in demand. Our Gasser, Slingster, Fiat and Digger chassis lead the industry in Nostalgia racing. And the Annihilator and Punisher are two of the best chassis available for in-line racing and the NEO chassis continues to dominate in the Lexan Funny Car and Pro Mod categories.”
New ownership also brings fresh ideas and capabilities to JDS. “This website is just the beginning,” Zimmerman added. “Look for banner and build off contest announcements on our Facebook page with a wide range of prizes. There is a YouTube channel in the works, and we’ll be introducing digital instruction sheets here on this site.”
Digital sheets will provide builders not just step by step instructions but also some tips and tricks to make your build the best it can be. The digital sheets will prove the opportunity to insert short videos as well as some fun hacks to put your build over the top.
“Lastly, we want to thank you the racer and builder for making JDS one of the industry leaders in Slot Car Drag Racing. We promise, just as Joe we will put our heart and soul into JDS and continue to provide the quality products and reasonable pricing you have come to expect. We hope to see you at the track!”